The Cogals

Cogals (pronounce it correctly: kog-al) are meetings of like-minded misfits brought together by the promise of beer, preceded by a bike ride. Cogals are free, open to all, organized by our fellow Velominati and are always followed by consumption of post-ride recovery ales and merriment. These are gatherings of unbridled observance of Rule #4.

Cogals differ themselves from other group rides by the meeting the following criteria:

  • First, Cogals are free, organized and supported through Velominati, though not necessarily a Keeper. Anyone is welcome to join a Cogal. Legally speaking, however, we have no involvement, so if you crash or die, it’s your own problem. Please be careful to study the route previously and take precautionary measures to stay safe.
  • Second, a Cogal is a day-long undertaking that focuses 100% on the bike. The rides are categorized (Casually Deliberate,  Rule #5Rule #10, for example) but are long. This is what you’re doing today, nothing else; see  Rule #4. Rides can be any length, but a minimum distance of 130km should be expected.
  • Third, Cogals always include a session of Malted Recovery Beverage Consumption after the ride. Whenever possible, it should also include a pre-ride espresso.

Not all the events in The Cogals are actual Cogals. We also post rides and events that are of interest to the community, as well as Keepers Tours, which are Velominati-hosted, paid cycling Tours tailored to the tastes of a velominatus.

Any member of the community is welcomed to organize a Cogal. If interested, either post your interest below or email us with the following information:

  • Date of Cogal
  • Starting Address (ideally somewhere neutral, like a café or park)
  • Route (MapMyRide, Bikely, or Strava)
  • Ride Classification (Casually Deliberate, Rule V, Rule VV, or suggest another)
  • A paragraph describing the Cogal

Upcoming Cogals

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Submit Your Own Cogal:


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View Comments

  • The Cogals »

    Chapeua to the Keeps, this is fine work. Want to really hurt yourselves? Wonder if there is any WP plugin software out there that allows registered, logged in users to drop a pin on a map where they are located. Velominati everywhere can see their proximity to other Members of the Order, thus promoting cogals.

    Wordpress experts out there?

  • The Cogals »

    @Mikel Pearce

    The Cogals »

    @Buck RogersI agree as well. In that vein, what about a Toronto/Southern Ontario Cogal? There is some great riding just west of TO, and I would be happy to help host.

    Which thing do you agree with Mike? I blather about so much stuff around here and to actually have someone acknowledge that they think something I said is agreeable is a new prospect for me!

  • The Cogals »


    The Cogals »

    @Buck Rogers @NateA couple of Father's Days ago, my wife and kids gave me a t-shirt reading "Pater Familias." This after I kept quoting O Brother Where Art Thou: "I'm the pater familias, godammit!" I suspect the Rodney Dangerfield t-shirt comes next...

    I think that we may be related in some way, shape or form. At least if coming from the Northern New Enlgand area, loving to ride but having to work around the VMH and kids, and quoting O Brother counts as anything. To cement the blood relation just acknowledge that you love The Big Lebowski and I'll see you at the next reunion!

  • The Cogals »


    There was talk of part of the Keeper's tour being open to non participating velominati as a Cogal, is there any more details on that? (Sorry if this has already been covered elsewhere, I'm temporarily limited to Blackberry access).

  • The Cogals »

    @buck I still want to do the ride in vt as well, I'm just worried my fitness won't be up to the task, and due to the length of the ride I don't want to hold you guys up. Obviously I still have a lot of time to get my fitness level to that point, so don't count me out yet. Seeing as I was one of the original instigators for the ride I really want to be there. I'm using it as motivation to ride frequently this winter, and to hit the gym to help with the power to weight ratio. As I said, don't count me out, I'll have a better idea in may.

  • The Cogals »

    @King Clydesdale

    The Cogals »

    @buck I still want to do the ride in vt as well, I'm just worried my fitness won't be up to the task, and due to the length of the ride I don't want to hold you guys up. Obviously I still have a lot of time to get my fitness level to that point, so don't count me out yet. Seeing as I was one of the original instigators for the ride I really want to be there. I'm using it as motivation to ride frequently this winter, and to hit the gym to help with the power to weight ratio. As I said, don't count me out, I'll have a better idea in may.

    Brother, this ride will be EPIC! Hell, I do not know if I will finish (or remember finishing if I do) but I am going to be there at the start if at all possible and it is totally motivating me to get on the rollers while the kids are alseep and the VMH is out or asleep as well!

    Just keep your eyes on the prize and commit to it. The task is half over once you fully commit yourself to it, even if it is climbing Everest! Worst case scenario is that we have two sub-groups riding with one finishing under 12 hours and one closer to 14 or 15 hours. It will be by nature of the length a Rule V ride, not b/c we push the pace but b/c of the distance and hours of daylight. But no reason that we cannot have two groups and see where everyone ends up either.

    On another note, are you okay with the last week in June as opposed to earlier in the month? You and Steampunk were two of the main people I wanted to make sure that it worked for before commiting to setting it up at the end of June.

  • The Cogals »


    The Cogals »

    No. Indubitably not. Having said that, I have a theory that Velominati paterfamiliae are 127% more endowed in The V (note the use of >100%, just to rankle Frank). I'll spare you all the virility angles to this, but:
    1. Our time is invariably limited, so we hammer harder.
    2. Our windows of opportunity are equally reduced, so Rule #9 become a fact of life.
    3. We have a built-in morale sucker (typically referred to as the VMH); if you can still stand upright after Mrs. Steampunk's withering tirade, you can eat cobblestones for breakfast.
    4. We are responsible for raising the next generation of Velominati. There's a Darwinian element to this.
    As a result of all this, Velominati paterfamiliae (love that, by the way) tend to fall more heavily into the Cognoscentus camp. I don't mind breaching Rule #11 from time to time, because to adhere to all rules all the time would tend towards Rule Holism, which isn't the Hardman way.

    Agree 136%. I haven't gotten my ride in yet today, as I was engaged in Category IV velominatus paterfamilias activities. Today's lesson was inspired by Mr. Paris-Roubaix, Roger de Vlaeminck:

  • The Cogals »

    @Mikel Pearce
    Let's make this happen. I'm in Hamilton. I love the riding around Belfountain, and Rattlesnake Point (which tops out at 22%) is almost begging for some kind of Cogal sufferfest. To up the ante, what about a Terra Cotta to Collingwood or some such? Our window is dwindling this year, but I'll be riding until the snow shuts me down.

  • The Cogals »

    @Buck Rogers
    Sadly, no New England blood here (born on Canadian west coast). But other than that, we're onto something. Under the circumstances, maybe I shouldn't comment on The Big Lebowski, for fear of weirding out other folks here. Having V kids, though: I won't be going there. Good on you. We stopped at three, but there's an eleven-year span between the eldest and the youngest; definitely could have fit a good number more in.

  • The Cogals »

    @Buck Rogers @King Clydesdale
    This is going to be a real test for anyone (and a big dumptruck of awesome for everyone). And it's why I thought having at least two support cars was important. Given the size of the group, we might be able to split into two groups on the road"”Casually Deliberate and Rule 10 (they'll both, by definition, be Rule 5). 330 kilometers is going to be a tall order, but that's the appeal. The preparation, the suffering, then the test (and more suffering). Depending on where Buck's home base is, we could also talk about a slower group splitting the ride over two days, although I'd personally like to try to do the whole run in one go.