Guest Article: The Art of Noodling

Like almost anything in Japan, the creation of noodles is a deeply ritualized art. Recipes are closely guarded secrets, and cooks apprentice for many years in the creation of a restaurant’s specific type of noodle. 

Not surprisingly, this type of ritualization can be appreciated by the Velominati, and Cyclops (who happens to be a bit of a gourmand with a particular interest in Southeast Asian foods) has drawn the parallel here and classified the progression through La Vie Velominatus into different types of “noodling”. A unique approach to say the least, but not without merit. Also note that I skipped lunch and the Article Photo may be skewing my impression of the approach.

Yours in Cycling, 

Noodling falls into three distinct categories.  The most common noodling – Level 1 Noodling – is usually done unawares by the common cyclist but true art is achieved when one does something exceedingly well without thinking about it.  It just naturally flows from the inner being.  It is when he or she is out solo and is just turning the pedals with no pressure on them.  They might be commuting to work in no hurry or going to the park and Sturmey-Archer 3-Speeds and Birkenstocks are usually involved.  A quick Googling of cycling in Amsterdam confirms that the Dutch excel at this level of Noodling.  Beautiful young women with Dutch accents, flowing skirts, and flowing hair gliding down cobbled lanes with windmills in the background can’t be considered anything but art.

Level 2 Noodling is an entirely different animal.  This level is usually done by the serious/competitive cyclist and is usually performed in one of two ways.  The first being the solo recovery Noodle.  At first glance it seems as though this version of Level 2 Noodling wouldn’t qualify as art.  I mean any meathead can plop some cash down for a discounted Discovery Channel jersey and plod along at 24 kph.  But when we consider that the average competitive cyclist has an extremely hard time not going all out all the time we see that there is more than meets the eye going on here.  What looks like a Lance Armstrong wannabe (Cadel Evans for those on the bottom of the planet) to the outside observer is actually a practice in refinement.   The artist is honing his skills by relaxing the shoulders, all the muscles in the face go into Ullrich mode.  There is a smoothing out of the pedal stroke.  Little details that are ignored when one is in the red zone or pedaling squares come into focus and are given the care and nurture given to the grapes in a French vineyard.

The other version of Level 2 Noodling is the one I like best – because at this late stage of the game I doubt I’ll ever reach Level 3 Noodling.  This version is also known as the early season training ride.  While one might see the aforementioned meathead out on the roads of summer you’ll never see him under the overcast skies and single digit temps of late winter.  While Meathead has been busily stuffing Cheese Whiz in his face at the neighborhood Super Bowl party we’ve been sitting on the trainer watching race videos and chomping at the bit waiting to get out on the road.  I actually like riding in early season cold weather kit more than the mere bibs and short sleeve jerseys of the heat of summer.  A serious artist has all the tools of the trade at his/her disposal.  Neoprene booties, windproof bib tights, long sleeve jersey and matching wind vest, various base layers and different weights of gloves.  These are the signs of someone that loves what they do. We may not get paid to do what we do but there is a certain level of professionalism to the matching kits, the immaculate bikes, and desire to be true to the art that Meathead will never understand. While going at this solo is commendable there is something truly sublime about a group of friends in a double paceline easily cruising in the stillness of (very) early spring.  The only sounds being that of the casual chatting and well maintained drivetrains.  No testosterone flowing.  No attacks by the Cat 2.  No urgency in the pedal strokes.  This is Level 2 Noodling at its finest.

Level 3 Noodling.  This level is reserved for professionals and those at the highest levels of racing.  It is when someone such as George Hincapie or Philippe Gilbert is at the front driving the pace all the while oblivious to the damage he is doing to those behind.  They are in an effortless zone that is free of suffering.  A walk in the park. Yet those behind are struggling to hold their wheel.  I would think that the satisfaction that comes from this level of Noodling could almost rival that of crossing the finish line in victory.  As mentioned above – most of us will never reach this level but sometimes the gods smile and peel back the veil and we get glimpses of it.  Like when the casual acquaintance that fancies himself fit dusts off the old 10 speed to join you on a “ride”.  Or when you see a rider struggling up the climb a half kilometer up the road and you smile to yourself as you reel him in in the big ring.


I really like riding road bikes as fast as possible. I live in Lexington, KY so here is a standing offer to anybody coming my way: Need a place to crash, need a steak grilled to perfection, need a beer you can't see through, need your wheels trued, need theological insight? I'll hook you up. Just get a hold of me.

View Comments

  • ha i just read the rest of the thread...probably I am wrong about the 10speed shifters being ok.
    Never tried it but if the spacing of each throw on the lever is different which I guess it is, you will have the same problem I had trying to make a nine speed shifter work on a ten speed set up. You get a few gears at the bottom working and at the top but not in the middle or in the middle but not the top or a combination thereof. Very frustrating.

    Forgive my brain fart..I am just up after a week of nights...brains not working yet

  • Sheldon has a section on alternate cable routing at the derailleur which can change the amount of lever throw and make a 10sp shifter work with a 9 sp cassette, 9 with 8 etc. I would find the link but I'm in bed with tea and muffins and trying doesn't fit the current mood.

  • @paolo @frank
    love the idea of sticking some old DA on it, but I really need 9 speed shifters with bar routed cables - like I'm even good enough to know the difference!

    ground the shit out of my 105s tonight doing some hills - think I need to learn how to ride properly first!

    thanks for all the interest and advice chaps - think I'm a bit out of my depth when we get techy

    shall still to frivolous paracycling banter meantime - play to one's strengths

  • @paolo
    ah, the Gylenhall Principle..... fair comparison regarding the lack of V I guess!


    Caught one while out fishing with the VMH and she thought it was so ugly she started to cry.Wild channel cats are good eating, I can't stand the farm raised ones

    You eat cats......

  • @Nate

    Right, so what I'm saying is, if Dr C wants to upgrade the Tiagra shifters without having to re-group, maybe he could get a used set of 7700 Dura Ace or equivalent Ultegra, probably pretty cheap. But I'm no Oli and I don't have a copy of Zinn laying around my office so I don't know if it's actually compatible.

    Should work, but not a 100% sure. If Oli isn't sure, I'm sure as hell not. But there's really no downside. Get the DA 7700 and if it doesn't work on the other stuff, that establishes the need for upgrading the other components. Win-win!

  • @Dr C
    Sorry, I didn't realise you were still on 9sp! But if you are getting the STI levers all you need to convert to 10sp is the chain and cassette. Despite the strict specs the derailleurs and chainrings won't need changing.

  • @frank


    Right, so what I'm saying is, if Dr C wants to upgrade the Tiagra shifters without having to re-group, maybe he could get a used set of 7700 Dura Ace or equivalent Ultegra, probably pretty cheap. But I'm no Oli and I don't have a copy of Zinn laying around my office so I don't know if it's actually compatible.

    Should work, but not a 100% sure. If Oli isn't sure, I'm sure as hell not. But there's really no downside. Get the DA 7700 and if it doesn't work on the other stuff, that establishes the need for upgrading the other components. Win-win!

    I put 9 speed Dura Ace shifters on a Sora bike. works like a charm. If you want to go to 10 speed then all you need is new shifters and Cassette. As I understand it the RD can be set for 9 or 10 speed by changing the setting on the limit screws.

  • @Dr C

    Don't get me wrong old chap I would never slag another mans V ability, Merckx knows there are far more capable people than myself. Just joshing about wealthy Dr's laying out a ton for bling bike parts...

    As for getting techy I find I can do most stuff, not everything. My VMH bought me Mr Zinns big book of bikes for my birthday a year or two ago and I find that with patience and proper attention (you need to really watch whats happening when you start tweaking stuff) I can figure most stuff out. The more you do the easier it gets and of course you need the right tools whih is a fantastic opportunity to go to bike shops and lust after new tools. Stick at it..whats the worst that can happen ?

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