Enroute to Mount Saint Helens on the V to V Cogal

A death is a painful thing to experience. Particularly, I imagine, for the one doing the dying. For those left behind, it takes time to mourn and come to grips with the change; it is an unpleasant process, but such is the way of things.

The crack in the chainstay of my beloved Cervelo R3 had been weighing on my mind ever since I discovered its existence while cleaning my bike in Hawaii. Assuming the crack was superficial, I continued to ride the machine and took it with me to Belgium to rattle along over the cobblestones during Keepers Tour. It was during this trip that Andrew, a carbon fiber engineer for B’Twin, pointed out that the crack was not superficial and in fact quite serious.

I continued to ride it, and slowly made peace with the fact that my favorite-ever road bike was destined for retirement. Denial turned into anger, anger turned into grief, grief into acceptance, and acceptance into glorious Rule #12 obsession, deliberation, and contemplation. Still, my final ride on my trusted friend was bittersweet; I was on great form that day, and together we turned mountains into hills and carved the many curves as we rode along the seaside in the somber knowledge that this would be our last day out together.

I contacted the shop where I bought it and had them reach out to Cervelo for a warranty replacement, but even if they warrantied the frame, I wouldn’t want one on account of the tall head tube they’ve adopted on their large frames. I’m very picky about my position, and loved the ride and fit of my R3, so I was left with a conundrum as to what bike to get as my new #1. Then Mark, the owner of Veloforma, pointed out that he’d designed his Strada iR based on the R5ca, along with several improvements to the design. And he could do it in a custom Velominati paint scheme. Sold to the obsessive-compulsive Dutchman in the back! (That makes two Veloformas bought in the span of a few months, the VMH pointed out when I delivered the news.)

As much as I loved my R3 for its ride quality and fit, I have never been crazy about the 73 degree head tube angle. You wouldn’t think a half degree would have much effect, but the Strada’s head tube is relaxed just a hair to 72.5 degrees, and it really smooths out the handling compared to the the Cervelo. Aside from that, the dimensions are similar enough to my Cervelo that the first ride on the new steed felt like a reunion with my lost friend.

This thing is embarrassingly light at 6.3 kilos. For a 61cm. The head tube is nice and short at 19.5cm so I can get as low as I need to but tall enough that I still get to slam my stem. I also got a new carbon Pro Vibe stem whose paint job accidentally matches the markings on the frame’s custom Velominati paint job. It is almost too glorious for my tiny little brain to handle. Also, the front derailleur hanger is mounted at a slight angle which brings the derailleur cage in perfect alignment with the chain rings, which results in lightning-quick front shifting. Its little things like that which really impress me about Mark’s attention to detail when designing the bikes. Now that I think of it, both my Veloformas have the best front shifting performance of any bikes I’ve owned. Finally, the internally routed cables makes it astoundingly quiet; the lack of rattling cables makes this machine the high water mark in my quest for the Principle of Silence. And that paint job, oh that paint job.

I haven’t ridden the Strada a whole lot, but I did the V to V Cogal on it which consisted of two long days in the saddle and featured a lengthy session with my old friend, the Man with the Hammer. I’m happy to report that she climbs and descends like a monster. The bike has the road feel of my R3, but is more responsive with a stiffer BB and steering column. But the relaxed head tube makes it handle like a Merckx; the descent off Mount Saint Helens had some seriously sketchy tarmac in places and her handling probably gave me too much confidence in light of my Schleckian descending skills.

What started as heartbreak ended in a love affair. Funny how that works out some times.

[dmalbum path=”/velominati.com/content/Photo Galleries/frank@velominati.com/Strada iR/”/]


The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at rouleur@velominati.com.

View Comments

  • @minion


    @minion you ignorant git - there are two ashes series in a row. We have only now lost the ability (theoretically, anyway) to win the first 5-test series in England. The second series starts 0-0 in our summer. And it was the 3rd test that was just drawn, thus the lazy English have taken 15 days, not 10. The 2-0 lead of the English allows them to retain the Ashes even if Australia wins the next 2 tests.

    In the on-going internal battle with your breathtaking stupidity, do you ever find yourself forgetting to breathe?

    Just in case you didn't know, this is a real website!


    So you stupid wankers can play another 7 tests and still not win the ashes? Sounds like a summer long KFC ad.

    PS I'm asthmatic so,

    This is getting good I love it when an internet flame out gets this inventive, someone pass the pop-corn please.






    Only the British could produce a sporting lexicon so rich in sadomasochistic and homoerotic connotations. No criticism or judgment implied, mind you, just an observation on certain kinds of inventiveness.

    Hence Brian Johnston's imortal line, "The Bowler's Holding, the batsman's Willey"


    There has never been a finer argument for the proper use of punctuation.


    No he really did mean that the Bowler was holding the Batsman's Willy, note the possessive apostrophe.

  • @ChrisO I can see some parallels with Cycling as you describe it.  However, I've had cricket explained to me at least three times and I still don't fully understand.  Meanwhile, the Keepers have been able to distill Cycling down to ONLY 92 simple to understand Rules...

  • @ChrisO

    Thats a good analogy, I think you should definitely write that article. Both sports are about as interesting to watch as paint drying.  Both attract lonely obsessives with few friends. Both require the wearing of expensive and highly, (for any other purpose), impracticable clothing.  I could go on.

  • @E

    Or more precisely it was "The Bowler was Holding the Batsman's Willey" but that may spoilt it for those that still don't understand.  Personally one of the best was Jonno's summary when Aggers had him in tears of laughter about Botham not quite getting his leg over.........then there was the time I was watching a test and Gooch was on 100+ and going well and my wife came in shortly after he was out and asked what happened and I said something like "He got a snorter that lifted and cut back off a length, snicked it off an inside edge to the keeper, it was unplayable".  She just stood there with a blank look and said "Oh so he's out then".  The cricketers here will be able to picture the ball precisely........

  • @ChrisO Superbly well put, especially the last bit about the mandatory refreshments. Proper enjoyment of a five day test match requires a certain level of devotion.

  • I see y'all are still talking about cricket. How disappointing.  Can I remind you what we're supposed to be doing here

  • @PeakInTwoYears


    Upwelling of Bryson love. His description of hiking the Appalachian Trail in the US is priceless. He would be the one to describe cricket to 'Mericans. I will read this.

    Here it is - excerpted from Down Under (which I also think is a pretty good description of Australia).


    @Ali McKee I'm sure if you want to start a chat about the Tour of Poland nobody will have any objection. Oh, hang on that's finished... Tour of Utah - nah, I'd like to keep my will to live for a little while longer.

  • I've always found Bryson to be a bit of a smug git but he is spot on with his description of the soothing nature of cricket commentary. Test Match Special great for getting the kids to to nod off in the car.

  • A while back I read the account of a British PoW who'd been held by the Japanese during the unpleasantness in the Pacific in '41 - '45. He wrote that one of the things that kept them sane was two of their comrades setting up a box painted to look like a radio in one of the huts and proceeding to improvise the radio commentary of an entire imaginary test match over five days - just for an hour or two they were home.

    Whilst trying to find the source of this quote I came across this extraordinary article from 1946 http://www.espncricinfo.com/wisdenalmanack/content/story/152863.html by E W Swanton about cricket being played in Japanese PoW camps. The line about "large and happy crowds of men anxious to forget the tiresomeness of dysentery, beri-beri, and malaria" brought a lump to my throat. 

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