Velominati: Terrahist

PayPal has decided to classify Velominati as a “Terrorist Organization” because we accepted contributions last week from community members to support the fight against cancer – without being an accredited non-profit organization. So much for trying to do the “right thing”.
While I’m sure they have their internal processes and reasons for this action given the current global climate, it nevertheless boggles the mind that they have such difficulty distinguishing between terrorism and terminal illness, despite the documentation I provided to the contrary. For those of you who donated to the Zoo Hill Climb for Cancer, please know that Velominati made the contribution in the full amount pledged by the community; unfortunately your donation has been refunded to you as demanded by PayPal in order to restore our account to good standing.
God Bless ‘Merca.
I knew this was a shifty site! There goes my future in politics…
I’m sure you mean to say God Bless Meca, right?
The less anyone has to do with paypal is probably for the best.
total fail. How much was raised? Dont want to see you take a bath(as you say) on this. once things get settled Im sure we can restore your account to good standing.
The nitwit who flagged the V-Account as a terrorist org was probably just some jealous jerk in a bad kit, who had clearly been dropped on a climb previously by one of you assholes…
I frigging loathe PreyPal. Unfortunately I’m an eBay seller and I have to deal with those fucktards.
Will this affect ordering V-kit at all?
Don’t be ridiculous. Being classified thusly doesn’t impact our ability to collect money, on which PayPal takes a hefty fee. They only keep you from being able to then pay whomever you need to pay. That old chestnut.
But seriously, no – no impact – we refunded all the donations, so we’re back in good standing- and the Climb4Cancer fund also still got its donation from the community which is what is important. We were always able to take orders; now that we’re back in good standing we can also pay Castelli when the order closes, so everything is OK.
Check will be in the mail on Monday. Dumbasses paypal.
The world has gone fucking crazy, what next poison taste testing for girl scouts selling cookies? Being classed a kidnapper for helping an old lady across the world?
Frank sorry to hear of all the hassle, like you don’t have enough to do already.
I wanna order a v-kit very muchly, but being financially … semi-responsible means that I’ll have to put it off until next order batch. *sigh*
the terrorists ruined it for you by using fake charitable orgs to beg for funding for terror activities. I feel that turnabout is fair play, and y’all need to go on a deep cover assignment to infiltrate AQI and divert their terror funding to an alleycat race.
FFS… I’ve heard of some incredibly stupid bureaucratic decisions in my time, but that tops the lot. Bravo, Paypal, bravo.
Frank I always think of cyclists as subversives so I guess this makes it official?
Checks in the mail. Sorry you had the hassle.
What a bag of crap! Don’t let the man get you down, though. Go on you, for your efforts, Frank.
@paypal chapeau, douches
@frank is there some sort of action or complaint that can be filed at paypal? I’m not one to typically do something like that, but seriously if this is possibly a trend or a regular action, how many honest, valuable efforts are squashed?
I wanna see Dick Cheney in a V-kit
An easy mistake to make. Terrorism is a terminal illness.
stupid dickheads, beancounters that have 17y/o hacks that cannot distinguish things that start with T, and 503b or whatever.
however, if you are a terroist, you have every damn right to go out and purchase wtf you want to, and to spew it wherever…go figure, that makes sense
If you donate to cancer , the terrorists have won. or somethin’ ….
How much are you out, I’ll gladly toss a cheque in the mail. Careful, it’s Canadia dollars, the bank might flag you as a leftist and shut down your account and report you to paypal.
In the same boat here, can’t afford the militag wiggo jersey either!
Frank I don’t want to see you out of pocket either, will find a few quid if you need it. Where do I send it?
Gents, not trying to defend PayPal, but this isn’t their fault. This is an artifact of the USA PATRIOT Act; your congress and a previous president at work.
@eightzero – You don’t like having your liberties taken away? Apparently, we have an entire political party aiming to remove ’em all and replace ’em with religion. So much for the separation of church and state…
I really hate election years.
That’s harsh Frank. No good deed going unpunished once again.
And to top it off, having called Michelle “WallY” Bachmann, rather charitably, batshit fucking crazy and now this, you’re going to end up on some no-fly, no-drop ride list.
Had my own dust-up with PayPal this month when they froze my account until I provided everything short of mitochondrial DNA to prove who I was.
Sweet, does this mean the V-Gilet now comes with integrated explosives?
Could you setup a not-for-profit? Name it Velo(something).
You brought this shit on yourself, Frank, with the thinly veiled ties to the Illuminati. We all know that your goal is world domination with all your secret “Rules” and the crazy handshake and “Prophets” and the like. It’s no wonder there aren’t black Suburbans with dark tinted windows sitting in front of your house all the time. But I’ve been on to you for a long time. There is a listening device in the CX-V and I always wear a tin foil beenie under my helmet.
I feel safer that you all are under surveillance.
Yeah, but who’s watching the watchers, and making tiny holes in Cyclops shiny hat?
How the hell am I supposed to get from the gates of my gated community to the parking lot of my local Walmart for snackfoods in safety with people channeling money willy nilly to every damned socialist muslim anti-cancer charity that goes asking?
What the USofA needs is more CCTV.
Thank you @Cyclops. That made me laugh on a day that could use it. You know it isn’t going to be a good day when on your long ride you are attacked by a magpie a month or more before magpie attacking season actually begins.
Frank, screw paypal. You look fantastic in that photo! That’s what matters.
Well, shit. Now I’ve got a conundrum. As I am not Rule #33 compliant, I deem myself unworthy to wear the V-Kit. So my good excuse for not ordering any just went out the window. I could just go ahead and lather up, but that would give one particular friend a little too much smug satisfaction. So, I guess I can at least get some arm warmers or some other bits and not feel as guilty.”
@moondance No excuses. Suck it up and get compliant. Rule compliant legs are much nicer to follow period.
Well. You can. I don’t know where Frank and the site are managed from, but setting up a non-profit organization is not terribly difficult. What makes it a pain is once it is set up as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt org (in the U.S.) the organization has to file tax returns. Tax returns are a pain for small efforts like this. Perhaps Elden Nelson could offer some input. He’s raised ga-gillions over at
Frank, feel free to contact me via the email. I’m a lawyer. I set up a local club.
Ah ha ha. That’s awesome..