Categories: Kit

Jaw Dropper: Velominati Jawbones

Velominati Custom Jawbone Configuration

I’m the first to admit that we are probably over doing it on the Velominati Kit article thing. That being said, I simply have to put one more out there, which will double more-or-less as a product review.

I previously wrote a piece on Radars and Jawbones wherein I asserted that Oakley Radars are the ideal cycling eye wear and the following about the Jawbones:

Imagine my amazement, then, when Oakley released the Jawbones.  They are ugly and look like they’d be even hotter than normal sunglasses, with no open-air system between the glasses and the cheek.  Besides, the dual-color version that many pros have been sporting is no good whatsoever and should be abandoned as quickly as possible.

I’m guessing that by this time you’ve figured out that I bought a pair of Jawbones.  As with many things in marketing, when you get beat over the head often enough with an image, you gradually become accustomed to it. Over the last season, my initial repulsion turned into acceptance turned into appreciation.

One theme with the Jawbones that helped win me over was that the pros started to get creative with the many color combinations available and used them to create a bit of a mean appearance.  A light-colored frame paired to a dark jaw gives a sort of “shovel” look – kind of like a bulldozer with it’s blade down. Enter the first of the Velominati kit concepts and my imagination immediately drifted to the Jawbones and possible Velominati-specific configurations.  Velominati Media Czar and I traded configurations and finally settled on silver frames, dark gray jaws, orange bolts, and orange lenses.  We were terribly tempted to opt for the orange jaws as well (in his words, “We both want to like the orange”, but they didn’t hold enough visual weight to create the “mean shovel” look, so we ultimately opted for the dark gray option instead.

Finally – after weeks of petitioning – the Finance Committee finally approved the purchase of said Jawbones (my Velomihottie holds a controlling vote).  Here you have them paired to our kit:

They did very well on their maiden voyage; light and not nearly as hot as one would expect with the vented lens options.  And, when they get a bit warm during a climb, they still fit perfectly into the vents of my helmet, so I’m still happy.

Frame: Silver
Jaw: Dark Grey
Thru bolt: Atomic Orange
Lens: Fire Iridium Vented
Lens: Clear Vented
Icon: Matte Black
Earsock: Black


The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at

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  • Glad you came around on these bad boys. I bought a pair in Italy for a smoking deal of 150€. Unfortunately I didn't get to customize them. So I went with the matte black and vented lenses. I have a Rudy Project Sterling helmet that has a built in sunglasses dock. they go together so well. maybe when I get my V jersey I will also get the orange lenses to match.

  • I'm in need of a new pair of cycling glasses and I've been agonizing over the decision for a couple of weeks; first, which glasses to buy (it came down to the Radars and Jawbones for me, but the Jawbones seem to fit my head better), and now, which colors? My bike is mostly blue and black with some red accents, but my helmet and most of my cycling clothing is black and red, so I'm thinking of going with the silver frame and dark grey jaws, red anodized bolts, metallic red icons and red lenses.

    My other thought is to go with the dark grey frame and matte black (or maybe polished black) jaws and the rest the same. (I'd post pictures but I don't know how to get the pic off the Oakley website!)

    I kind of enjoy the agony of indecision when it comes to new cycling stuff, but at the same time my old glasses are pissing me off, so I'll have to decide soon...

  • What a coincidence to have an article on new cycling specs. I had a local vendor certificate and a gift card burning a hole in my pocket. Went to a local bike store and picked up a very nice pair of Serfas specs. $50. Clear frame with black accents and skinny arms so they should slide into helmet vents just fine. Light, four sets of lenses (clear, dark, red and red with mirror finish), adjustable nose bridge and just the right size for my big head. The nose piece is important to me as the one-size-fits-all bridge on most glasses just doesn't work on my face. Looking forward to wearing them tonight.

  • @frank

    "As with many things in marketing, when you get beat over the head often enough with an image, you gradually become accustomed to it. Over the last season, my initial repulsion turned into acceptance turned into appreciation."

    How long 'til we all appreciate the aero helmets???

  • Went for these

    Will post some pics to see how they go with a Kask helmet and my ugly face/head.

    Look good on Igor


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