Not Really A ReView: ENVE SES 3.4 Wheelset


It was said by someone in the posts following Gianni’s excellent review of his tubeless system that an honest, long term analysis by a ‘real’ rider was most welcome. Well, you’re not going to get that here. You will get honesty, for sure, but ‘long term’ doesn’t come into the equation when a week is the amount of time spent ‘testing’ a product. Especially when that week sees more time spent working a real job (one where I have to be in a certain place at a certain time) than I’ve spent in the last two years. But I can give you some impressions on a few good rides on the sweet carbon goodness that is the Enve SES 3.4 clincher wheelset.

There has certainly been a lot of buzz about for the Enve hoops for a while now, and recently they gained a foothold here in NZ with distribution by Wide Open up in Rotorua. Owner Matt ‘DogBoy’ Whitaker has been a friend for a few years now, and I’ve been on at him to get me a ride on some of the wheels since he took on the brand. He also added friend of The V Kris ‘Grom’ Withington to his team, fresh back from Europe after his stint as mechanic for the Garmin pro road squad. Not a bad guy to have on your staff. So we finally co-ordinated our emails enough for me to get a loan of some wheels last week.

Without getting too technical, let’s look at the numbers; the 3.4 designation means the front rim is 35mm deep and the rear is 45mm. SES means Smart Enve System. ‘Smart’ refers to Simon Smart, who is working with Enve and using his Formula 1 background to help develop the manufacturing of the rims. While we can marvel at all the intricacies of carbon layups and aerodynamics etc, and that can be cool, all I had to go on was how they rode. So that’s what I’ll tell you about.

The rims came laced up to Chris King R45 hubs, 20/24 spokes F/R. Kris had mounted some Conti GP4000S 25mm clinchers to them (he even taped around the valve stem where it exited the valve hole; that’s pro right there). I’ve never had much luck with Conti tyres over the years, and while some of my colleagues swear by them, I was still leery but ready to be proven wrong. I mounted my cassette, aired up the tyres and rolled out of the workshop for a quick spin. It was night, I’d had a beer and I was in jeans, so a roll up the ramp and twice around the carpark was all I had time for. By the time I rolled back into the workshop, the front tyre had punctured. And I hadn’t even left the building! Just bad luck, surely? I patched the tube and vowed to give them another last chance.

The first real ride was in windy conditions (not that unusual in Wellington) so the first thing I noticed was a bit more side deflection from the cross gusts when compared to my box section Ambrosios. The next thing I noticed was the venerable Chris King bzzzzz from the freehub. I’m used to some noise from my Chorus hub but the Kings have a distinctive tone and pattern; whereas the Campa has a uniform zzzzzzzzzzz sound, the King had more of a pulsing zzzz zzzz zzzz to their schtick. I got used to it pretty quickly though. The hubs spin really smoothly and with little resistance, as noted by my mate Kah when he said I was ‘rolling away from him’ through town before we had even started pedaling in seriousness.

The bigger 25mm rubber gave a pretty cushy ride over the shitty road surfaces, and I felt like I was riding on air somewhat. Maybe this was due also to the carbon rims; probably. When we arrived at the bottom of the first real climb of the day, I wasn’t expecting any miracles as a couple of weeks off the bike and some fit guys should’ve put me in my place. I sat on second wheel and expected to be swallowed up sooner rather than later. No-one attacked, I sat and spun, and got to the top with what seemed like little effort. Was it the wheels? Possibly. Maybe their light weight aided getting my lazy ass up the hill with a minimum of grunting. Maybe.

Down the other side and speed was easily held without much pedalling, and I seemed to be on the brakes trying to avoid running into the wheel in front of me. Was it the smooth-rolling hubs? The aero rims? Had to be. I wasn’t doing much. We turned off for the steady gain in elevation before the road turned steeper. Conversation came easily as we turned the cranks and approached the climb. I made sure I wasn’t over-stressing my unfit legs and lungs. I looked around and there were only three of us there. Could it have been I was climbing better than I believed because of the stiffness of the wheels due to their moulding process? Well, it wasn’t anything I was doing, surely (I wasn’t doing any more than Surviving on V, after all). Kris explains this process better than I ever could: “The spoke holes are part of the moulding process, whereby the rim comes out of the mould with the spoke holes already in the rim allowing uninteruupted carbon fibres around the spoke holes, which means no additional alloy or brass inserts. This process then in turn means where the spoke enters the rim is very strong, allowing the builder to build the wheel with very high spoke tension which then means a stronger, stiffer and more responsive wheel.” Yep, that was probably it.

The bottom line is, these wheels are pretty sweet. They feel stiff and light, they roll and roll, they look the business and they cost a lot. Do I need them? Shit no, but I don’t need 11 speeds or fancy shoes either, as one of my savvy friends pointed out. I felt like I could climb better with them, they felt solid when cornering hard, they accelerated snappily, braked well and they elicited a lot of comments. Placebo effect? Doubtful. But I must admit I didn’t want to send them back. Matt, Kris, when your demo days are over and they are ‘used’, I’ll be happy to give them a good home…

[dmalbum path=”/ Galleries/”/]

*Kris can build your wheels in-house with the King hubs in any colour and they come with a 5 year warranty and crash replacement. Thanks to Wide Open for an impending credit card blow-out.



Don't blame me

View Comments

  • @Ron

    And remind me please, Brett. Is the Merckx your #1?

    Sharp looking bike no matter what. And what V-meter is that on your stem - a Cateye Strada wireless maybe?

    It's my only 1. And yeah, Strada wireless (which is not a V-Meter... NO computer is a V-Meter).


    Well, I'll take Kris' word for it... he is a wheelbuilder and a former pro mechanic, so I'd say yep, he has more experience with it.

  • So today I had my first ride back on the Ambrosios after sending the Enves back. I took off down my street and as I approached a downhill S-bend I went for the brakes and... nothing! Heading into the heavily trafficked village, panic ensued as I pulled the brake levers to the bar so hard both shift paddles were jammed against the bar. I reached down and grabbed the front brake cable and yanked it hard enough to slow me just as I came to the local bike shop. After I removed my heart from my mouth I told Jonty what had just happened, much to his amusement.

    The Enves are a wider rim than the Golden Tickets, which meant I'd had to loosen the brake cable tension to run them... I'd refitted my wheels and omitted to re-adjust the cables. The pads weren't even close to the braking surface.

    Valuable lesson right there!

  • @brett I had a similar experience when I started riding on the rollers, flipper the cam thingy open so I wouldn't catapult myself off the bike and rollers if I grabbed some brake in an unbalanced moment. Forgot to close them the next time I headed out on the road. didn't need the brakes until about 5km down the road. By that time my brain had done it's mental check-list, no faults had been flagged up, the guns were warming nicely and I was running slightly late for a training ride with my sensei so full speed was authorised. The pads did connect with the rim when I got to a cross road with a usually busy road but without the force that I would usually expect.

    Let's just say that it's a mistake that I'll only make once.

  • @brett


    Well, I'll take Kris' word for it... he is a wheelbuilder and a former pro mechanic, so I'd say yep, he has more experience with it.

    Hey, there's no point in me arguing with a Keeper, but seriously, have a read of the linked page on my earlier post, it makes sense.

    Just becuase a wheel builder says so doesn't make it right, I used to think that tight spokes made for stiff wheels and tighter spokes made for stiffer, it ain't so, do the maths and you will see ...

  • @G'rilla I've heard of that kit, but I haven't tried it yet.  One thing that's nice about DT hubs is that there seems to be a lot of options available, such as the aforementioned kit and easily swappable freehub bodies. I would love to try the 3.4s with CK hubs though.  I plan to put at least a couple thousand miles on these wheels before I start messing with the freehub though. Right now they are still very new to me.

  • @mouse



    Warranty and crash replacement is huge. I'm building my dream cyclocross bike right now but don't think I could ride a race full gas on carbon for fear of shattering it. Las month a friend exited the first lap with a carbon taco.

    But 5 year crash replacement? Are there qualifications on that?

    Ya, You don't want this to happen: (from a teammates rig last weekend)

    Jesus. What the fuck did he ride into to do that?

    The V.

  • @brett

    So today I had my first ride back on the Ambrosios after sending the Enves back. I took off down my street and as I approached a downhill S-bend I went for the brakes and... nothing! Heading into the heavily trafficked village, panic ensued as I pulled the brake levers to the bar so hard both shift paddles were jammed against the bar. I reached down and grabbed the front brake cable and yanked it hard enough to slow me just as I came to the local bike shop. After I removed my heart from my mouth I told Jonty what had just happened, much to his amusement.

    The Enves are a wider rim than the Golden Tickets, which meant I'd had to loosen the brake cable tension to run them... I'd refitted my wheels and omitted to re-adjust the cables. The pads weren't even close to the braking surface.

    Valuable lesson right there!

    WOAH!!! I've had that happen when swapping wheels but never to the point of not being able to brake at all. Fast thinking!

    Just a joke about the Strada V-Meter. I have a few of those computers as well & like them as much as ya can like one.

    Also, on taping the rim...are you guys saying you tape the actual valve stem? Or are you putting a piece of tape on the rim with a hole, allowing the stem to pass through? This second option doesn't seem like it would cure a rattle though. I'm confused.

  • @Ron

    Also, on taping the rim...are you guys saying you tape the actual valve stem? Or are you putting a piece of tape on the rim with a hole, allowing the stem to pass through? This second option doesn't seem like it would cure a rattle though. I'm confused.

    I believe as shown in @brett's photo, you wrap the valve stem with electrical tape to build up the diameter so that there is very little/no play therefore no rattle. Also, the electrical tape pads contact of the valve stem to the rim so any movement that would result in a rattle is muted.

  • @SimonH You might be right that it's not down to spoke tension, but higher tension wheels tend to have deeper, stiffer rims, which probably contribute a lot more to stiffness than the spokes.

  • @Frank:

    After some discussion on the book of faces with another Keeper, I've decided to post a video of one of your favorite bands. Only on this link 'cause this is where folk are hanging out today. This one's for you little buddy:

    (To all my fellow VM, nice knowing you, I'll get booted off the site for this).

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