Guest Article: The Fine Art of Pedaling

Keeper Jim and I came across Meg Fisher during an icy-rain Rule #9 training ride on Mercer Island in March. The first thing that struck us was that there was a good rider up the road, one of the few braving those cold, wet, early morning hours. It wasn’t until we caught up to her that we realized she was riding with a prosthetic leg.

The three of us got to chatting the way cyclists do, and every time Meg went to the front to push the pace or got out of the saddle to grind over a roller, I was amazed to see how ‘normal’ her pedaling action was. Apparently, it didn’t come naturally or quickly, and after starting a conversation on prosthetic pedal stroke magnificence, Meg has graciously agreed to contribute a complete article to this geekery. 

In the meantime, she’s joined our community (and reformed in her Rule #37 violating ways). Meg now actively blogs on her Tumblr and has also set up a donation fund to help her with upgrading her prosthetic (can you say ‘carbon’?) and getting her to the 2012 Paralympic Games. Please donate if you’re willing and able.

Yours in Cycling,


Pedaling with one leg and one peg-leg (that vaguely resembles a pipe bomb) has presented some challenges.

In an attempt to make all of this as clear as possible, I am going to share some basic facts about prosthetics. A “socket” is the carbon piece that is shaped like a cup. This is the part of the prosthetic that encases what remains of someone’s limb; for me it covers my knee. The “pylon” is a vertical piece of pipe, usually made of aluminum, that connects the socket to the “prosthetic foot.” All prosthetic feet are made from carbon. The stiffness or rigidity of each foot is based on how many layers of carbon are used and how they are laminated. I assume that you all are experts on carbon!

Personally, I like super stiff feet. A stiff foot moves less and, in my opinion, is more predictable. To help you all get the idea of what it might be like to have a prosthetic leg, imagine walking with one foot in a ski boot. Soft feet feel like you are walking in soft sand. Medium feet feel like you are walking on a loose gravel trail. Stiff feet feel like you are walking on concrete. They do not give unexpectedly but are somewhat less forgiving.

Back in the day, before I received my specially adapted biking prosthetic (the pipebomb), I rode using my everyday prosthetic in a typical cycling shoe. I used this set up for several years when I primarily raced mtn bikes and off-road triathlons. I vaguely recall feeling some low back pain and right knee pain from back then. In an attempt to alleviate the pain from my prosthetists, John Angelico & David Rotter with Scheck & Siress Orthotics & Prothetics, designed my current cycling leg. I went into their office with my bike on a trainer and asked them how they could help me look more “normal” on a bike. The owner and master bike fitter of Missoula Bicycle Works, Alex Gallego, had given me some advice to pass on to my prosthetists. John and David basically mounted a heavy-duty aluminum pylon with a carbon prosthetic foot to my socket. After experimenting with pylon length and cleat placement, we discovered how best to compensate for my missing ankle.

Fundamentally, I rode like someone who had an exceptional leg length discrepancy. When I rode with my everyday prosthetic leg, it lacked the biomechanics inherent in intact ankles. During a pedal stroke with an intact ankle, there is plantar flexion & dorsiflexion. Since I could not accomplish these movements with my prosthetic, I had to compensate by shifting on my saddle and changing my biomechanics everywhere. Observers could clearly see my hips and lower back shifting dramatically during every pedal revolution. I had to set my seat post height high enough so that I would not pinch the back of my left knee during the top of the pedal stroke. If my seat height was too low, I developed blisters on the back of my knee that could be so bad that I literally could not walk the next day. I also wanted my seat height low enough so that I could reach the bottom of the pedal stroke. Usually, people with a leg length discrepancy would not develop blisters on the back of their knee. However, they may notice difficulty reaching the bottom of the pedal stroke and observers may see compensatory motions in the low back.

My prosthetists mounted the cleat under what would be my heel. They also made the pylon a bit longer than my shin on my other leg. These adjustments allowed me to reach the bottom of my pedal stroke and keep my seat height high enough to relieve pressure on the back of my knee. By using a specially designed cycling prosthetic, I became better able to keep my hips ‘quiet’ on my saddle.

Still, as I up’d my mileage and continued training with the National Paracycling Team, I continued having low back pain, right knee pain, and severe pain in the right hip. It was deep pain inside the front of my right hip. It felt like someone was driving an icepick into my joint capsule. The only time it felt better was when I was laying flat on my back. Sitting with my hips near 90 degrees caused intense pain. I managed to make it through the season and competed at the UCI Para World Championships in 2010. Somehow, I squeaked out a win in the time trail (even after starting ~40sec late) and the road race. I thought wining two world championship rainbow jerseys would be the end of my cycling career. In the off-season, I went to physical therapy and the prognosis looked bleak.

That’s when Brian Williams, my friend and talented Cat 1 rider, came up with the idea of shortening only my left crank arm. Brian explained that for most individuals with a leg length discrepancy, using two different length crank arms does not alleviate their symptoms. So I called SRAM and explained my situation and Brian’s idea. SRAM generously sent me a 165mm left crank arm at NO CHARGE! Brian installed my new crank arm and set me on a road to recovery.

I have been riding with my shortened left crank arm for a while now. The pain in my right hip is gone and my lower back pain is under control. Initially, the difference in crank arm lengths did feel funky. However, I quickly adapted and will never go back. I have not had anyone measure the strength or power generated by my left leg. If you ever saw me in spandex, you could quickly see that my right side much bigger than my left. I am continually refining my pedal stroke. It has come so far and there is still room for improvement. At times, I feel like my left leg is sabotaging the work of my right leg. Maybe I should just cut the rest of it off?!

At the end of the day, I am just like you. I get on my bike and try my best to ride fast and keep the rubber side down. With any luck and a whole lot of effort, I will earn a spot on this year’s US Paralympic Team going to London. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for me. I could use all the luck in the world.


Six time Wold Champion in road cycling, triathlon, and off-road triathlon. Member of the US Paralympic Cycling Team.

View Comments

  • @MegFisher
    Cool. I am here in Calgary this weekend to buy a house in Cochrane! Once I am retired from the army, I will be doing some scouting for the CCA. Mostly focused on injured soldiers and veterans. Of course this is just a side project to my bike business, but after being around some much potential athletes and being a cyclist too TFTC, it is turning out to be an easy life transition.

    On a side note, I am keenly interested it what leg you end up with including a bit of a performance review - such a bike nerd...

    Keep riding hard and inspiring others!

  • @Marko

    New Lexicon entry: Pull a Fisher or Fishered. "I pulled a Fisher last weekend by showing up to the start line late and winning." Take that Delgado.

    Great article Meg. Thanks for the contribution.

    Yeah, a Fisher is the oposite of a Delgado. Love it.


    I have never tried PowerCranks. I am all for geeking out whenever possible. I have heard mixed reviews- however they might be the key to a few more watts for someone with a challenging leg length discrepancy.
    Has anyone here tried them? Opinions?

    I think Scaler911 has a set. He is insane, the fuck. Might be cool to explore. I feel like I remember seeing a powertap on your bike, but I'm not sure. That would be half the question already.

  • @PegLeg, @MegFisher
    Welcome @PegLeg!

    Normal's just a setting on the washing machine.

    What a quote. I'm remembering that one. That is solid gold right there.

    Both of you are an inspiration to me to stop my bitching. We get into these cycles, and its always incredible when you see what a good attitude people facing real obstacles have.

    Cheers, and thanks for the continued inspiration.

  • I have a few questions, though. How is the prosthetic attached to the knee? does it just sit in there or is it attached firmly somehow? Can you pull on the pedals with that leg, or is it mostly a pushing action?

  • @frank
    I do have a set. I could pull them off and let you try them if you're so inclined. Both crank arms have adjustable lengths from 140-190 (I think), in .5 increments.

  • I meant that for Meg. And they'll make you feel like you've never ridden a bike before. You have my e-dress, I can bring them to the cogal.

  • Beauty Meg. You are an inspiration beyond mere words. Go kick some Olympic butt and take London by storm flying the V.

  • Hugely impressive, good luck in London. Just arrived in Paris with Chris Moon, who is a right leg and arm amputee - the V only begins to explain it. All the more so as he rides a hideous old KHS bike, with a bizarre arrangement to get both brakes working off one lever, and a back wheel wobblier than an Uzbeck sprinter. On the flat, amazing, but hills are tough without a calf, so I could keep my self respect by dropping him.

  • Before anything else, I would like to say THANK YOU to all who have read the article, commented, and/ or donated. I feel incredibly lucky to be alive and would not be here today without the help and support of so many; such as my doctors, my family & friends, my teammates, and those who inspire me to keep trying. Countless people go unnamed, but they remain close to my heart.

    We all have trials in our lives that test the foundation of our being. Each time I get on the bike, I am reminded of how far I have come; from the hospital bed to the wheelchair, from the walker to crutches, and then finally to walking on my own two feet. When I stand at the line, ready to do battle with what lays ahead, I am determined to do my best as a tribute to my dearest friend who died in our accident and as a means to say thank you to everyone else. I am eternally grateful to cycling and to all of you.

  • Chapeau, Meg. This is what the V is all about. Thank you for the inspiration. A-Merckx!

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