Reverence: Lezyne Rule 31 Sack

Rule #31 was conceived out of necessity, aesthetics and plain good taste. Seeing an oversized saddle bag hanging limply by velcro under a Flite, Arione or Regal just isn’t right. Frame pumps, while they undoubtedly do the finest job of inflating a tube, add nothing but bulk and clutter to the lines of a frame (and aren’t compatible with the majority of curvy, plastic frames prominent today). While a folded tubular held under the seat with a Christophe toe-strap may have been de riguer and kinda cool back in the day, running tubs nowadays is not only uncommon, but an exercise in futility should one ride on any road less smooth and glass-free than a baby’s bum. So you see, Rule #31 was a no-brainer.
But even this most important of Rules has its drawbacks; stuffing the three pockets of your jersey can leave you looking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, albeit with the hunch on the lower back, and more akin to a series of tumours across the hips and lower spine. Not a pretty sight. My usual pocket-stuffing routine would entail a tube and tyre levers bundled together with a rubber band, stuffed in the middle pocket, with a mini pump accompanying it. The phone would go in the right hip pocket, along with a camera (if there were to be some photo ops along the route, or blatant bike porn shots) and gels and bars in the left. Any extraneous clothing shed en route (arm warmers, cap, gloves) would then be forced in wherever they would fit. If a jacket was required, then all hell would break loose.
But recently I happened by chance upon an item that has made my life, and my riding experience all the easier and clutter-free. Lezyne products were having a season launch of their new, cool gear, and everyone attending received a free gift; in my case, I was handed the Caddy Sack, a simple PVC pouch. Inside was a metal patch kit with glueless patches, and a pair of mini tyre levers. I took it with a degree of dismissal, thinking it would just end up in the pile of superfluous bike crap scattered around my house. But I decided I’d see how much I could load it up, and was surprised to find that it holds a veritable shitload of gear. There’s room aplenty for a tube, levers, patch kit, multi tool, card wallet and phone. But if I want to, I can easily ft in another tube, a bar or two and a couple of gels. And it fits with ease into the middle pocket of all my jerseys, especially the sweet V jersey which is always the go-to garment of choice. This leaves the two outside pockets with more room than ever for whatever the ride requires from the aforementioned list-of-crap-one-may-carry.
Sitting alongside the 31 Sack is always the best mini pump I’ve ever used, the Lezyne Pressure Drive M (for medium). Why is it the best? Just look at it! It’s sexy, yeah, but for such a small unit it packs plenty of air into each stroke, and I can get a geniune 100PSI into my tubes during any roadside repair. But the best feature is the flexible screw-in hose, which eliminates the chance of breaking off the screw-on end of Presta valves, as has happened to the best of us when vigourously hacking away with a fixed-head pump. C’mon, admit it, you’ve done it. No more chance of that with this little beauty. Quite simply, it rules (31 especially).
I did “medium” and “grey”. I hope that’s the right one.
@RedRanger, @G’rilla
I’ve got the new ones (both sizes), they’re also very good, though not as easy to get stuff in and out of. They are 100% water proof now, though.
@G’rilla I ordered the same one. Ive been wanting one for a while. Usually they have been $10 plus shipping. this time it was $9 and I get free 2 day shipping for having a Prime membership. sweet deal and now I can get rid of the stupid rubberband that was holding everything together.
I’m a cheap fuck and use a sandwich sized ziplock bag. Seems to work fine.
@mcsqueak I prefer a half-sandwich sized (grocery store brand) bag. Resealable is an amazing thing!
Although I use a SciCon carbon bag for the approved “small” phone.
I thought I bought the older sack (as pictured) but received two of the new (medium size).
I didn’t expect to like it, but after a ride, I like the new one better.
I found it easy to open the velcro and reach in with short or long fingered gloves. It lays flatter on the back when in a jersey pocket.
With three now, I can have one for road bike tube and tool, one for ‘cross tube, and one for riding tubular wheels. Or maybe I’ll use one for MTB racing when I don’t need a pack. Anyway, options.
@G’rilla I got the same surprise also. I like it. It holds my entire road repair kit minus the pump. Sure beets the old stretched out rubber band that was holding all together.
For my MTB I used a EPMS. 29er tubes are huge. And since I have a hard tail, I have two king cages that hold water for rides under 2 hours. Longer than that and I ride with a basic camelbak.
I’ve just ordered the medium black caddy sack.
Hopefully, it works out well, and won’t be too much of a brick in my pocket.
Would be nice to free my steed of the seat pack.
@gregorio as well I have one Lezyne medium and one small Caddy Sack. The medium holds two road tubes, tire lever, two Co2 and a multi tool.
In the small I keep my ID, Cell phone and Coffee / Beer money..
Mine came yesterday. I put my spare tube, Co2, and tire levers (no need for the whole tool kit). Works well – simple and compact. Like it.
Paperchase gadget bag. Nylon so seems relatively waterproof and perfect size for a pocket and spare tube, levers, CO2 and mini tools.
I’ve said it before and I will again;
Save your money… every heard of ZipLock?
Used to have a very tiny SciCon saddle bag until it chose to self enforce Rule #31. It took with it a CO2 cannister, chuck tube and multitool.
I now carry a small nylon pouch that contains the following.
I’m most chuffed about he Birzman pump. 12.5 cm long and lighter and smaller than CO2 cannister/chuck combo.
Rule #31….Is there any exception if for example I had a small sadlle bag that exactly matched my frame colour and indivudal branding?
No. Just fucking No.
And just to get things straight, I did not write that post. I think.
Please see Rule #3 and the eloquent post #212 above
The converted bidon is the way I roll at times. Only because I get lower back pain on longer rides. But my EPMS has sat lonely in my pile of cycling gear for a few months.
The only permissible thing to put under your saddle is a spare tubular, secured by a leather toe strap. I hope it goes without saying that this requires actually running tubulars.
Out of curiosity, Why a tubular, but not a tube?
A tube is small enough to put in a jersey pocket with room to spare. You can put a spare tubular in a pocket but it’s bulky. Also a spare tube isn’t really stout enough to put under your saddle and it will get grit on it that will contribute to another flat, probably before you even get back home on it.
Fair enough.
@Deakus Co2 canisters have a distinct advantage over pumps. They are reliable, so even after 6 months commuting every day they will work. I have had pump seals fail and leave me stranded…in a similar way trying to pump up a tyre that may have water in it after after a puncture in the rain I have had pumps get water in them, destroy any lubrication and become useless.
A novice to the Velominati and thought I would introduce myself with a contribution on gelding the bike Rule #31.
I have used a couple of vinyl examination gloves as per the photos – fit all the gear, use one for the tube to protect from the multi tool and stuff all in the other glove. Waterproof and Dual purpose as also serve to protect hands if need to deal with carnage on the road.
[dmalbum: path=”/”/]
Kind of a good idea as the gloves help keep you bartape clean, but I just distribute the same stuff over the three pockets adding an iPhone/ID , tire lever and gels/energy bar for longer rides.
Phones?, Cameras?, gloves?, Pumps?… I know you guys aren’t gonna like this but pretty soon it gets out of control. Soon you’ll want a chain tool, waterless hand cleaner, spoke wrench, truing stand. Look this guy in our club (see photo below) just added one little thing at a time and he doesn’t realize what he is carrying. (There is no telling him too! He just doesn’t want to hear it.)
I contend the bike (and rider) should be lean, clean and austere. My advice, try to keep it under control otherwise you could end up looking, well … overloaded.
Here is the photo…
@Fausto Lucia Please tell us what is allowed in order to keep our austerity. By order of one of The Faustos!
Guys, nobody mention ’till now about the PocPac Pro Road Tool Pouch???
I’m really very sorry indeed but I have now become a permanent breaker and violator of Rule #31. Having suffered an involuntary dismounting twice due to the irresponsible actions of others (the first a car,the second an out of control roadie) I will no longer carry anything in my rear pockets that will promote further injury during an impact with asphalt. In both incidents I received bruises the shape and size of the objects in my jersey pockets. Thankfully these were flattish objects and not something shaped like a pump which would I am sure have left the rider punctured. Once again I am most sorry to be a breaker of the rules.
@Charlie Mcilroy Read the Masturbation Principle.
I appreciate and observe Rule #31, but not full-duplex, alas. Of course, I disdain any under-seat (Selle Italia SLR Flow) storage (blech!), but rather than try to stuff my jersey pockets, I ride with a custom, mini messenger bag built by CourierWare. The flap is ScotchLite treated but mega-night visibility, but looks subtle grey-blue — No YJA colors, I promise.
Living in coastal LA, and often riding at through dusk (both as commuter, and on training rides), I’m subject to drastic micro-climate changes which force me to carry a whole shit-pot of kit to be ready for rides of any length (heavy and light gilets, arm and noggin warmers, gloves, towel, etc, plus the usual tooling/CO2/pumps/nutrition). I don’t believe it would be feasible to pocket-stuff all that crap in, and, in addition, the bag offers the advantage of being always (mostly) ready to go — I just check it for contents, and sling it on and go.
Oh, and to stay on-topic, there’s one pouch in the bag that’s *perfect* for my Lezyne Caddy Sack (pre-2013 version w/ zipper), replete with 2 tubes, 2 CO2 cartridges, levers, multi-tool, patch kit, cab fare, etc.,etc.
There is the rare mid-morning summer ride where I know the temps and conditions will be stable enough to ride “naked”, but for the most part I always have my “KOM” bag as I call it.
Hmm, maybe if I order one size bigger, I can carry my post-ride recovery ales with me…
In the 80’s tub era the cool way was a folded tub, wrapped in newspaper with a band of insulation tape around, secured to the bars of your saddle. That with a with a frame pump was all you needed and it kept the lines of your jersey clean with nothing in your pockets. Newspaper and tape could come in handy for emergencies!!
I’d love to see how the newspaper was folded up around the tire without fraying; I’ve never seen that done but I love the idea.
The folded tubbie under the saddle is still a righteous way to roll, however.
I was always a bit skeptical on the practicality of Rule #31 until I recently received the Rapha Essentials bag as a gift:
I’m still not sure I’d plop down $65 of my own money for it, but I have to admit that I love this thing as well as not having a saddlebag anymore. The size is perfect for a tube, CO2, multitool, and tire wrench. The best feature is the ring on the zipper that allows for easy open/close when the contents are packed in there and/or you’re using it in the wet (or have sweaty hands).
One things if for sure- Rule #31 is not to be questioned. The choice of bag is up to you.
Quite why I am reading a 5 year old article today, I don’t really know.
But how funny it is to read that Brett carried a phone “along with a camera”!
That was going to be my question/comment…great minds stink alike!
Why am I reading an 8 year old article? Worse yet, responding to 5 year old comment? I’ll just stick with my IKEA double-sealed ziplock bag.
It works…and I got a million of ’em. Ha cha cha cha chaaaaaaaaa!