V Day

Ah, February 14 is here again. A very special day for all of us. A day you don’t want to forget. A day when you make that extra effort to show the one you love just how much they mean to you. V Day.
On this day, I will rise early, tiptoeing out of bed so as not to make any noise and stir the sleeping. I will dress quickly and quietly, leaving the shoes until the last moment to avoid any heavy footed clomping. Making my way to the kitchen, I’ll prepare snacks and drinks, to be enjoyed during the adventure I have carefully planned for the day. The excitement builds within me as I think about what lays ahead.
When I see her there before me, waiting, my heart rate increases, and continues to rise as I make first contact with her. I whisper seductively “Are you ready? I’m gonna ride you hard today.” I reach for the lube and the pump.
I love her deeply. But she alone is never enough. I need more, to keep the flames of my infatuation burning bright. Yet I never feel unfaithful, I just have more love to give than one can handle. The others don’t mind, they never complain, and are always happy to let me ride them too. They are the best, most loyal friends a man can have.
This V Day, do something special for your loved one(s). Bathe them. Buy them a gift (maybe something in rubber, or a nice bottle of something). But most importantly, take them out, spend the whole day together, share some beautiful views… and make it a V Day to remember.
@frank So many classic Pantani photos/moments were in the wet. A Rule #9 god.
For a fair weather photo, though, the first one is awesome. Exquisite handlebar/lever alignment. Brikos and squashed cycling cap. Full gas escape velocity focus. All topped off with deep section carbone.
My 6 month old daughter kicks her legs nonstop and unfortunately has Pantani’s ears (thank Merckx she can cover them up with hair, unlike her father). I may need to get her a Bianchi for her first birthday and point her uphill.
Me too, I remember the moment I heard it, and my heart still bleeds a little each time I revisit the tragedy
Marco looked good in a pair of jeans too:
Subtlety not missed here – first thought was ‘nice Pantani rep’. Lovely bike that.
The guy was a great rider, I loved his climbing style – it’s always what I think of as I’m clumsily dancing on the pedals. If others had half his style the peloton would be a more interesting place.
She’s had new shoes and I have held her bottom bracket..! She’s so pretty. I daren’t post a photo on here for you bike perverts she is much too young for you lot!
The VMH’s Valentines Day present arrived just in time! Destined to become her gravel rig.
And when the VMH says she “doesn’t want anything” – is that REALLY girl speak for she does, bugger that explains two things – the treatment last night and the opening line this morning “I think I want a new car”……..
@ frank Very nice, she has to be stoked! Now the creative process begins. When i saw the frame it reminded me of the story last week with regards to the Gamin – Sharp team, there bikes getting stolen from the Tour of Mediterranean and they with drew from the race. Anyway good luck with the build.
I rdie for the sake of it. I enjoy it – and if I’m brutally honest I ride so I can drink beer, not so I can win races. I enter races/rides to see how my informal training is going, and they usually demonstrate that I should stick to having fun, but every now and again I surprise myself.
No time to hang around, going to squeeze in an extra 10km on the way home from work.
I cast an eye over my lovely lady last night as she slept. She’s properly dirty at the moment; this morning when I woke her she was a little grizzly, a little reluctant.
Tomorrow, I shall strip her down and make her feel like a new lady again.
Just got word that my Chris King PressFit 30 bottom bracket arrived for my custom CX bike. I’m hoping to ride it at KT2013 and that was the part that could have delayed the whole thing.
I haven’t seen any reviews yet, so I may have one of the first.
Strangely, the paint job may be the blocker. Estimate is 5-6 weeks!
You may have to take it to KT unpainted and then paint it afterwards. Nailbiter!
I’m going to have to do the KT naked if my sacred garments aren’t here soonish. It’s a long canoe journey/horse ride for the delivery service round these parts.
Is riding a CX rig on the cobbles legit? I know of only one pro who does it.
@fraare awesome gift. You’re both very lucky.
No frick’in clue how to get the video loaded so here is the link.
From what I read, those were not released yet. Sweet.
CX bike at KT? No no no no no… no.
And you, endorsing this shit?
I’d rather he didn’t, but its been done with class before. And – remember this: if he doesn’t ride the CX bike, he’s riding a Cervelo. And we know how irrational you are about Cervelos.
It all comes down to tire choice. I can run 27 or 30mm slicks on my new CX bike. Road cranks, etc.
And it has a V-Meter. In paint! No sticker, no decal.
I apologize for asking this, G’rilla in case you have posted elsewhere and I just haven’t seen it….but…. do you mind to give us a brief review of that King BB? I’d be interested in your thoughts. Or if you have posted that same review elsewhere, possibly link to it for me? Gracias.
I think the forthcoming review will go something like “I offered up the BB to the sky gods, then threw it as hard as I could towards the Puget Sound.”
No reason why he’d do that, other than that’s what the picture makes it look like he’s getting read to do…
In many countries you could be tried for heresy for such suggestions!
@Dinan I have yet to touch that particular BB (it’s the builder in that photo).
I was supposed to take delivery of the machine on Monday but the builder sent it to a photographer for the week.
She will soon be mine! Maybe this weekend.
Oh no doubt… I admire CK components from afar but have yet to buy any for my bike.
A cyclist in Portland without even a Chris King stem spacer.
Why don’t you just move to Vantucky now instead of pretending?
No kidding, right? I don’t even have an ironic moustache or other accouterments of the awesome, hip, Portland lifestyle I obviously live.
@mcsqueak You don’t make your own beer or sausage? You don’t chip your own ice? No anchor tattoos?
We have Cane Creek Components housed here in Asheville and it’s nearly an identical situation. Seems like everyone is running on CC stuff and if you aren’t it’s nearly treason…