Riding Ugly: The Spider

There are lots of things to like about Vroomie Froomie, like his willingness to accept the fact that people are inclined to question his performances. Aside from me resenting him for leading a Tour which everyday becomes a little less exciting, he seems quite a likable guy; he is polite, respectful of the sport, wears team-issue bibs with his yellow jersey, his bike is only subtly yellow’d out, and he hasn’t publicly called anyone a c*nt that I’m aware of. That last point alone represents a refreshing change from last year.
When KRX10 and I worked together during the Dot-Bomb, we used to keep a miniature bike in our office, which we would use to do 6-corner time-trials around the office floor. I’m assuming someone must have made videos of those races and that they must have gone viral in Kenya, because it appears Froome modeled his position after ours on those tiny bikes.
I haven’t seen anyone ride in a position like his since Sean Kelly, except Sean always Looked Fantastic. His saddle is too low, his reach is too short, his back is too hunched, and his heels and elbows are pointed out like he’s trying to stomp on a Smurf. And, from the looks of his shoes, it appears he has been successful. I would very much appreciate it if he would sort himself out and attain a more pleasant position on the bike. I don’t care that he can make it go like a nutter; it’s an affront to my sense of aesthetics to see him hunched up like a spider humping a lightbulb.
And everyone knows that Science has proven spiders to be icky on account of having too many appendages.
ouch. That photo was uncalled for. But I did like being reminded of the chicken crashing his TT bike repeatedly. That was gold.
Can’t @frank write a script to block pix like that of the Chicken?
Yes, it should be automatically replaced with this. Warning! Turn off audio or your brain will be permanently damaged.
4. The 2010 Giro photo clearly shows Froome emitting steam from his helmet. The lack of steam in the Vuelta photo may account for the difference in position there and now.
well, that’s my theory anyway…
Velominati: Built from Rons
Of course I could, but that’s too easy, and has been done to death. My photo showed her excellent position on the bike. Otherwise it’s just gratuitous. Like this:
Man, does her chain need cleaning or what?!
@Bianchi Denti
Faaarrk me! Knew I needed to check the site one more time before bed for a reason! Sweet dreams!
@Bianchi Denti
Nipple lube?
Every time I see Froome, I can’t help but think of Skeezicks from the old Uncle Wiggily stories. Now that I think of it, Snippy Snoopy could be Quintanta. Not sure about Pipsisewah though. Bruyneel perhaps?
Exactly, and I can tell you I could do fuck all in terms of getting power into the pedals. A problem Froome admittedly doesn’t appear to have.
I actually think I might be able to do that. Stand by. Might not be perfect, but over time I’ll catch all the versions of that stupid image.
Or, easier might be just to block @Marcus.
@Chris SPD sandals = nightmare at the velodrome. This hits at the core: cyclist vs. bike rider.
Interesting that he’s also playing with stack height. He’s got a spacer in the second but none in the first, though they switched from deda stems at 8 degrees to PRO stems at 10 degrees, which might account for the change in bar height, now that I think of it.
But I did notice somewhere today that he’s got yet another spacer config on his bike this year, so he seems to be very willing to futz about with his position. Quite dramatically, it would appear.
It has little to do with frame size; he just needs to raise his saddle and chuck in a belgian-sized stem!
On a long ride last weekend I couldn’t avoid catching up to an individual with whom I didn’t want to compete even implicitly because I saw the sleeveless jersey from quite a distance. So eventually I caught this person and it turned out to be Brian–if Brian were a MILF in SPD sandals. It actually took a while to get up to her wheel.
I apologize on behalf of men everywhere. In case this fact has escaped you, we are hopelessly excitable when it comes to boobs. They don’t even have to be nice boobs – any boobs will do, particularly when the woman in charge of said boobs is willing to put them on display, even partially.
Please keep coming to the site – all three of you – and eventually @Bianchi Denti, @Marcus, and @Buck Rogers will die of old age and the site will be more respectful. As women live longer than men, you’ll luckily live long enough to experience it, probably on account of our making horrible decisions when presented with the opportunity to look at a pair of boobs.
Indeed. Which begs the question, why did Graeme Obree allow Jonny Lee Miller to wear SPDs when portraying him in The Flying Scotsman?
That would be a pity. The mantle of Australia is tailor made for the chip on his shoulder.
@frank in relation to such matters, and in spite of Rule #42, i have quite possibly found a reason to breach said rule.
Couple of friends did the Challenge Roth on the weekend (a very famous German iron-distance triathlon, just not run by Ironman) – other than the Solarer Berg which is like a mini TdF col with fans and beer, those crazy Germans also have something else. Unisex showers at the end of the race. That’s right, unisex showers!!!!!
The fellas cannot recall ever being cleaner.
@Nate yeah Nate and you have got that whole East Coast-West Coast thing happening with chips on both your shoulders.
At least he’s balanced.
@Marcus Huh? I’ll admit to having chips on both shoulders when I was growing up in the midwest, but that’s long ago.
@frank we would hate to lose gems like this.
… and the shower supervisor made sure everyone got really clean…
You gotta admit, he looks completely fucking pro standing up on the top step in yellow. =)
Aside from the unnecessarily long shorts, yes.
Which reminds me, he also has toad head. That’s a clear violation of the Three-Point System.
As long as we’re on the subject, Movistar’s Bug Eyed Sprite Adidas shades are deplorable. Can’t anyone besides Oakley make a good-look pair of shades?
New to this neck of the woods I take it !
Except up Mont Ventoux.
WRT eyewear – I agree. Movistar get just about everything right in their kit (Pinarello & Campa is a good start) and then fail on the glasses. If they were just black or navy blue they might pass but they are not and they do not. It would seem their doping program is being similarly neglected. Except Quintana who does not need dope because he exists on a diet of pure cocaine.
@Buck Rogers
Fuck Sir Christopher is fast, his climbing speed is perhaps only matched by Pantani, here the similarity ends, in fact I don’t think anyone rides a bike like he does, it actually makes me wince to watch it, some of his accelerations looked like I’d pressed ffwd, the man has not come from no where to the top of his game, you only have to look at him to see he’s rockin some pretty unique physiology, he was born at altitude, he was probably the strongest at TDF last year as well, I think he has earned his place fair and square. It’s a bit like… God there’s nothing like it, it’s wrong wrong wrong make it stop, please someone, any one, please…
Very disturbing indeed. There’s an unauthorised @Chris operating on this page as well.
I suppose it’s my fault really for not choosing something unique like @sleevelessspeedoboyinMelbourne or @deviantincanberra.
A repeat of this would liven up the final couple of days
@il ciclista medio
Sir Dave has been tweaking his Skybots to come up with the perfect configuration, hence the changes to Froome. Or more correctly, hence Froome v1.03 and v3.01 seen here.
v1.03 was the ill fated steam variant. Sunday’s high cadence acceleration was the result of mismatching some old Wiggins 2012 servo’s with some Michael Barry USPS/Discovery era recovery systems.
According to this lovely slideshow on VeloNews, AC was running an 11-28 so lack of a low enough cog wasn’t the problem there. No shots of the Sky bikes set-up though.
First post, btw. Great site.
I’m disappointed that Froome lost the Jawbones this year.
There is also an issue on the jersey where the yellow version does not have sleeves as long as the usualy Rapha version….this is leading to Rule #7 infractions all over the shop. Can someone have a word with him please?
@Deakus not sure there’s much he can do about it, the le Coq Sportif supplied yellow jersey seems to be a slightly more traditional cut, hence the shorter sleeves.
@Mikael Liddy teams supply their own yellow jerseys – just not the ones on the podium. That would be a Rapha jersey with Le Coq logo. Sleeves just appear rolled up.
Boobs? Did someone say Boobs? Where?
On another note, hell of a break today in the tdf. Nico Riche, Gilbert, Quinziato, Tommy “Oh Fuck my Face Just Broke” V, Riblon, Navarro, Costa, Kadri and Hoogerland just to name a few. They should be fighting for the stage win, me thinks!
Shit, sorry for the double steam reference. Page two didn’t load. Nor did my brain apparently.
Froome on a Bianchi:
@Pedale.Forchetta Those are some stunning photos.
I’m going to go away and cry now in the knowledge that it would only by pure chance that anything that good will ever come out of my camera.
Ahhhh, my cycling news live ticker has died and I cannot seem to get any live stream to open here at work! Painful!
Ditto. Incredible.
Pedale.Forchetta, are you going to be at the Worlds this year?
@Buck Rogers
Everybody who is nobody* are out in the break with about a 10 minute lead. They are not being pursued with any great urgency by the peloton. It is likely to remain that way.
*Schleck Jr wasn’t informed that he now a nobody and missed the break. He is likely to be dropped at some point.
Thanks! Cycling News ticker is working again. I had to resort to VeloSnooze’s ticker for a while and I swear that they mentioned the COTHO four times and had a video on during the 30 minutes that I watched on their website. They’re worse than Auntie Phil and Uncle Paul. What the FUCK is it with them and their Lance-love? Jesus, made me remember why I quit going to their site about two years ago.
YES! Let’s go J-Rod. I need you in the top five, preferably 3rd, for a chance at some VSP booty, BABY!!!
@Buck Rogers
@Buck Rogers Agreed Buck, let’s go J-Rod!
This is fantastic. I have no reason to dislike Froome, then it dawned on me that it was his appearance that caused my scorn. I think he looks like a preying mantis. Think about it: bug face, twiggy extremities, hunched up with crunched up arms….check, check, and check.